About me, my plot and my endeavor to turn it into something
with the help of the kids..

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Quickie Garlic...

Just a quickie. A friend told me to plant garlic before the new year but as it's been so vile all I could think is 'pots', so armed with compost, fibre pots and two very handy grandchildren we embarked on our planting before the new year even it it is only just before.

Well my thought is they have two chances of growing - they will or they wont!!


Santa knew ...

Oh Yes! Santa must have known about the plot...

Because look what he brought me.....

Not sure when I'm gonna get to wear all the glove's but it will be nice to have a pair to change into when one lot gets wet. Also there is a brand new digging fork that is going to get well used.....Volunteers anyone!!!

So pleased with it all and to be honest a lot of it I picked up this week at the sale at the garden centre. The trays with lids were only £1 with the pluggy things in them and there were some tomato ones that were only 50p so surely that had to be bought, along with some cabbage collars, netting and lots of other stuff.
My lovely bag was from my eldest daughter Sam whom you will get to know as we progress, the big sturdy propagators were only £3 from B+Q which hubby said I really should have, well it would have been rude to argue...and a lovely seed catalogue just had to be got for my bedtime reading.

It doesn't look to promising about getting on the ground this week as we're forecast torrential rain and wind again so will have to see what the New Year brings...

Happy New Year


Sunday 29 December 2013

So then, this is it.......................

Yayyyy after over 8 years and several set backs I finally got my plot.....

Well I say mine but with my family it's mine, Sam's, Bev's and everyone in-between.....(or at least that's what I'm letting them think-well I'm gonna need some muscle power arnt I)
It's only a small one but it's a start and being a beginner I think it's the right way to go. We have a lot of enthusiasm and a bit of knowledge and the rest we will learn on the way. The powers that be in their infinite wisdom rotavated it before handing it over but as it has couch grass I wish they hadn't as I'm sure it would have been easier to get up if left on the top so that's my first major problem. What we have therefore decided to do is divide it up into smaller plots and clear a bit at a time as we need to so as we can at least plant something, the first being our onions (asked another lottie holder if we could plant anything at this time of year and this is what he said) I have loads of books and have sent off for the seed catalogues as this too seems to be an annual thing done at this time of year, see I'm getting into to it already...

The Plot

This is it, my lovely little 23' x 47' of loveliness (I can see into the future - hopefully) 

The grassy bit at the front is maybe gonna be somewhere to park the car or tether the dog or maybe put the compost bin / muck heap. I'm sure it will be something sometime...
I've only got half of the ploughed bit. You can sort of see the half way post on the right of the plot, with my back I didn't dare risk anymore. I'm planning to have a central path with shed at the top, mainly raised beds fairly small so as I can reach the centre from both sides. Not sure about a fence or hedge so will see how I go for now. I think the best idea is try to clear a patch at a time and plant the things I'm familiar with but again it's highly likely I will deviate from this plan. Any advice from anyone will be gratefully received as this is a first for me even though my dad was a champion Evesham market gardener...
Will definately find room for flowers and in memory of dad there will be Gladi's...

May I now introduce the 'A' team. My 2 lovely grandson's who are tramping the centre line. Gotta love their enthusiasm and hope it continues...
...and then we notice the big black clouds and decide enough is enough for our first day ...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...

Julie x

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